
Marvelous! What a fantastic group of views!
Hi-- just wrote to  you  at your Stanford email address with a request for information. Got this response suggesting I check out your blog. And I have! You went to Lafayette!! Alas, no notes on your trip there. We've  spent a lot of time in S.E Louisiana.  Strongly suggest you return for Cajun Mardis Gras. A farmer invited us to watch the Courir de Mardi Gras  from his front yard and then we joined the entire neighborhood for gumbo at the Saddle Tramp Rider's Club. Hope you can swing by this year. And if you ever get a bit further north check out Howard Finster's Paradise Garden in Georgia.  I've attached a photo and here is the website: I realize you may too busy to get back in touch...but if you could confirm receipt of the email to your Stanford address I won't bug you again. Many thanks. Susan Arshack 912-401-1176
yeah, I forgot to upload the pictures when I posted about Lafayette, so they were in the next post: I didn’t write anything… just the pictures. I’ll be glad to try and help you with this young man. Do you know whether he has any literacy skills at all, eg, knowing letters and corresponding sounds in Spanish? simple decoding? anything at all?

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