Travel in a time of COVID

This trip has been odd.  Not bc of the smoke in NV from the fires next door.  That was not fun, and devastating for so many, but the real smoke and haze for me has been how COVID has altered the psychology of travel. At least mine.

People’s attention to CDC guidelines—which of course can be fallible bc CDC’s not all knowing… but probably a better resource than a self-appointed random person—is, to put it charitably, variable.  With some exceptions, most of the people I've seen/ run into seem to be oblivious. I’m double masked and staying away from others, esp indoors. I haven’t sat down in a restaurant or (my fave) a bar since leaving. Ugh, what a terrible way to travel.  I’m seeing some beautiful and interesting sights, as usual, but I’ve never been on a trip that has so much stress associated with it:

I went to pick up take out tonight (I’ve been eating in my room every day) at Cowboy Bar in Fishtail, MT. Place was full and hoppin’.  Didn’t see a single mask. Anywhere. Nobody. Lots of cowboy hats, though. 

Maybe I should have shown them the picture of masked outlaws I saw in Virginia City. I'm sure that would have been very persuasive, just as in the VC hotel, where there was the outlaw sign encouraging all to “wear a mask” but no masks by any employee. Western style virtue signaling by management? 
In Elko, NV, reception desk was masked. So was the server at the coffee shop. The brksfast that comes with the room could be taken to go. There were COVID protocols outlined in an insert with the room key. The tv remote was in a plastic bag! I wonder if this was bc this was a national chain (Ramada)? The other places haven’t been part of chains.
But no customers were masked, except for one couple. We exchanged pleasant "good mornings” and made eye contact, relieved (I believe) to see fellow rational beings.  

A sense of social separation—NOT social distancing toward a common goal—was the order of the day. An unmasked guy at the coffee shop looked at me suspiciously. As he walked by me, or just a little before, he coughed. Was he releasing delta version coronaviruses in my surroundings? Purposefully? Was I being paranoid? 

Same with the checker at a market in Montana. Unmasked. Wide yawn as I approached. Normally just rude, but now… what’s coming from deep in her throat?

In the Island Park, ID, “resort” no one at the reception wore a mask. The included bkfast had to be consumed in the breakfast area. The attendant there wore a mask and gloves. No customers did, except for Japanese family with a very polite little boy who was treated shabbily by the attendant when he asked for help to get plastic utensils from the dispenser. I didn’t leave a tip. 

This has so dominated my thinking, except when I’m on my own, seeing wonderful sights. Emily asked tonite if it’s been worth it; or did I think it was a mistake to take the trip. Idk. 

I’m consumed by mask-wearing, or more often non mask-wearing. Who are these people who don’t wear masks, what are they thinking, why are they so foolish, what rationalization do they have from the many off-the-shelf possibilities. I think bad thoughts about them. They probably voted for Trump.

What a way to travel. 


I do actually know a couple people who did vote for Trump…and who actually do wear a mask when it is required…
Claude, you are the De Tocqueville (if De Tocqueville was from Seal Beach) of 2021. I'm really enjoying your observations. Stay safe and enjoy your travels.
hahaha… hilarious! But I’m still glad you’re enjoying it. Hope you all are doing well. Shana tova.

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