Spots I skipped over

All right.. back filling now. For those who like geographic signposts, as I do, here’s the route before going to Chattanooga, in the lower right corner of the map (by way of Jack Daniels distillery in Lynchburg).

I skipped ahead to Chattanooga bc I was so intrigued by what I found there. But continuing on the Great Plains, between the Enchanted Highway in North Dakota and the drive across Tennessee, there was lots of good stuff to see and report: A bikers’ paradise/seat of vaxxing resistance and super spreader event (see next post), massive presidential heads, a real live anti-vaxxer trying to convince me that double masking (which I did throughout the trip) is more dangerous than getting the vaccine or even getting COVID, a memorial (one of many throughout the country) to the slaughter of Indians by the US Army, a fabulous stay on a permaculture farm*, a memorial to the destruction of “the black Wall Street” exactly a century ago. Plus beautiful scenery of course. And, as they say on the NewsHour, much more. 

So stay tuned.

*Now posted here: